Di 01.10.09 - Mo 30.11.09
Portrait Jonty Harrison - a feature by by John Dack.
works presented in this program (all by Jonty Harrison)
01. Klang / 9:00
02. …et ainsi de suite… / 19:27
03. Hot Air / 22:11
04. Afterthoughts / 15:58
"Hello. My name is John Dack. I am a Senior Research Fellow at the Lansdown Centre for Electronic Arts at Middlesex University in London. In my last programme I played and briefly discussed, compositions by the composers Denis Smalley and Simon Emmerson. To be perfectly honest, both of these composers deserved whole programmes and I hope to re-visit their works at a future date. Consequently, I decided that my next choice of composer should have the programme to himself. This composer is: Jonty Harrison. Jonty Harrison is currently Professor of Composition and Electroacoustic Music at Birmingham University in the United Kingdom where he is also Director of the Electroacoustic Music Studios. Thus, in common with many composers in the United Kingdom he combines the activities of composer with an academic career. His compositions have won prizes in competitions and festivals such as Bourges, Prix Ars Electronica and Musica Nova. In Jonty Harrison’s case his longstanding involvement with BEAST - otherwise known as the Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre - has been of fundamental importance not only to the development of his own personal musical language, but also to the establishment of the practice of sound diffusion in the United Kingdom and, by extension, in Europe. Jonty is in fact the director of BEAST and has ensured that the studios of Birmingham University constitute one of the most important centres for research into what we might describe as electroacoustic music performance practice. It is difficult to imagine how sound diffusion could have evolved without the contribution made by Jonty Harrison and many other musicians who have studied and worked with BEAST’s 16 channel diffusion system. Such a facility emphasizes the conjunction of research and practice that characterizes many studios in British universities today. For over 25 years Jonty Harrision and his colleagues have used BEAST both at Birmingham University and throughout the United Kingdom to present electroacoustic music as ‘performances’ properly speaking. Without wishing to make too simplistic a comparison BEAST can be regarded as the British equivalent to the GRM’s Acousmonium." (excerpt of the feature)
Tune in to hear it all!
Find more information about Jonty Harrison here
Find more information about John Dack here
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